2022 Be Well Served

January, 2022 118 Franke Part # H+K Part # Protein Fryer Training Material 8212193-16 FFS8212193-16 8214147 FFS8214147 8214148 FFS8214148 Protein Fryer Area 27018303 FFS27018303-1 700164 1879 421763 VOR30022 122071 PCC1851 8811135 VOL9002 4008737 FFSHK17001-A 252989 HKEHK18055 Vat Cleaning 460122 TUCM99902 142510 TUCM52242 142509 TUCM50362 460121 TUCM99942 143611-2 KAY04213-093 143620 KAY04136-024 143619-2 KAY04238-081 143621-1 KAY01391-006 145472 KAY04377-030 Crispy Chicken 147131 HK18028 461538-1 SON15036872


Used For

Min. Recommendation

Fried Products Station Guide for Nov Webcast, 2020

Procedures Procedures Procedures

1 1 1

Label, Raw Product

Label, Cooked Product

Skimmer, Fryer S/S Blade on Front Edge, #30 Mesh, Closed Handle Skimming sediment every 30 minutes

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Can, Fryer Skimmer

Holds Skimmer

Pan, Full Size 2-1/2" Deep S/S

Catches crumbs while loading Catches crumbs while loading

Basket, McNugget Transfer

Sheet Pan 18" x 26"

Fryer crumb tray Fryer crumb tray

Rack wires both directions Fried Product basket rack

Holds baskets above crumb tray

Protection KIT , Body, Face, Torso and Hand/Arm Protection

Filtering protections

Glove, Universal Safety 24" Medium Glove, Universal Safety 24" Medium Filtering protections

Apron, 36" QuicKlean Fryer Filtration / Washing Dishes

Filtering protections

Head Gear w/Full Face Shield Full face protection with unimpeded Filtering protections

Kit, Hi-Temp Cleaning

Cleaning Fryer Cleaning Fryer Cleaning Fryer Cleaning Fryer Cleaning Fryer

Fryer Cleaning Wire Brush Head

Hi-Temp Multi-Use Tool

Pads, Hi-Temp Multi-Use Tool

Handle, Hi-Temp, Blue

Basket, Straight Wall Split Half Fry

Used to cook crispy chicken

2 3 3

Tray, 1/3 Size White Fried Prod. UHC Crispy Chicken

Holding cooked Crispy Chicken at UHC Holding cooked Crispy Chicken at UHC



Rack, Fried Product Tray 1/3 Size

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