2022 Be Well Served

127 January, 2022 Franke Part # H+K Part # Grill (continued) 10:1 27006705 FFS27006705 27006706 FFS27006706 145867 SON15051826 143283-1 SON15061155 142934 HK18002 146611 SON15036897 4:1 141255 SON15099921 141256 SON15133070 4008960 FFS4008960 4008990-1 FFS4008990-1 145867 SON15051826 143283-1 SON15061155 146576 SON15104258 146575 SON15104257 27804366 HK18063 147416 SON15161182


Used For

Min. Recommendation

Meat Spatula 4.25"

Removes cooked 10:1 patties

2 1 2 1 2 6 8 8 2 1 2 1 4 2 1 1

Set of 20 Replaceable Blades for 4.25" Spatula

Replacement meat spatula blades weekly

Dispenser, seasoning amber base 86:14

Season meat patties

Tray seasoning dispenser

Holds dispenser

Spatula flat black with 14" handle

Removes cooked 10:1 patties

Tray, Opti-Loc UHC Amber 1/3 Size (OPL and NON-OPL)

Holding cooked 10:1 meat at UHC

Blue Working meat tray

Holds fresh beef in refrigerator

Blue Lid for working meat tray

Lid for fresh beef pan

Spatula meat 5" black handle disposal blade Set of 20 Replaceable Blades for 5" Spatula

Removes cooked 4:1 patties

Replacement meat spatula blades

Dispenser, seasoning amber base 86:14

Season meat patties

Tray seasoning dispenser

Holds dispenser

Tray, HOTG grey Tray, HOTG black

Transfer patties to side 1 Transfer patties to side 2

4 Slot Fresh Beef Pan Holder

Holding working meat trays in grill side fridge

Blue Bus Box

Holds soiled fresh beef pans & lids

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