2022 Be Well Served
January 2022
This Be Well Served book includes the latest gold standard equipment layouts, condiment bin and cleaning solution labels, a smallwares checklist and a QR code reference guide for equipment. Benefits of this guide include: • Organizing the restaurant with the gold standard equipment layouts in the manual can increase order accuracy, productivity, and efficiency by reducing restocking time and minimizing the bends, steps and turns in the order assembly process. This guide contains the appropriate cell layouts that show the correct equipment positioning and labeling for condiment bins. • The sticker labels help organize the condiment bins and make it easier for the crew to identify the bins and restock accordingly. The cleaning solution labels help organize the cleaning products and assist in the proper storage. To apply the sticker labels: 3. Apply label on the cleaned surface. Press firmly to ensure label adheres well to the surface. • The smallwares checklist provides the recommended minimums for each smallware item, organized by each area of the kitchen. The Franke and H+K smallware part numbers are also included to cross-reference items that your restaurant may need to purchase. • Equipment QR codes are an efficient way to locate troubleshooting guides, maintenance and contacts. The QR codes in the book can be scanned with a cell phone or tablet. What’s new in the 2022 Be Well Served manual? 1. The gold standard equipment layouts have been updated and now include Compact OPL (COPL) and Coffee Fresh Start in the Drive-Thru (2 coffee brewers). 2. Sticker labels have been revised to reflect the menu changes over the past year as well as the latest cleaning supplies available from Ecolab. 3. The smallwares checklist has also been revised to reflect the menu changes over the past year. 4. Equipment QR codes were updated to reflect the latest equipment options. Feedback about this guide Restaurant tools are constantly updated for field relevancy. For comments, suggestions for improvement, or have an operational question, please contact the Operations Resource Center at 1-866-ORC-4MCD. The ORC hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. Voice mail is available after hours. 1. Clean surface to remove any grease, dirt or debris 2. Wipe area with a clean, sanitizer-soaked towel
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