2022 US H+K McDonald's Catalog



AVEM00PLS01 Label scraper

Quickly remove labels without damaging product or containers


FFS121201-1 1.5" Label, SupeRemovable Use First

FFS121126-1 1.5" Label, Hot. Fresh. Just For You! 1000 Labels per roll

English and Spanish 500 Labels per roll FFS121202 3" Label

FFS121132 1.5" Round Label, Smiling Arches 1000 Labels per roll 6 Rolls per pack

FFS121317 1.5" Round Label, Chorizo 500 Labels per roll

FFS121242 1" Round Label, Grilled 1000 Labels per roll

FFS121246 1.5" Round Label, I'm Lovin' It 1000 Labels per roll

FFS121130-1 1.5" Label, Special Order. Thank You 1000 Labels per roll 6 Rolls per pack

FFS121313 1" Label, Sausage 1000 per roll

FFS121128 1.5" Label McDonald's Happy Face 6 Rolls per pack

FFS121312-1 1.5" Round Label, Steak 1000 Labels per roll

FFS121274-7 Labels, fryer front w/ tenders

FFS8214236 Guide, bakery thaw rack product ID

FFS121323 64 Bakery labels (8) Lemon (16) Coffee Cake (16) Chocolate (16) Mix (8) Cook

FFS8214151 Label, pan slides



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