2022 US H+K McDonald's Catalog
H-20-01 2" Swivel caster without brake Frequently used on H+K models
H-20-02 2" Swivel caster with brake Use: H+K HCFRC & GSF Models
H-20-4 3.5" Swivel caster with brake Use: round pegged leg for H+K table with brake
H-20-4-1 3.5" Swivel caster without brake Use: round pegged leg for H+K table without brake
H-20-4-7 3.5" Swivel caster with brake Use: H+K table with square leg tube with brake. Required for installation: H-20-22 Insert, 1.25, black plastic
H-20-4-6 3.5" Swivel caster without brake Use: H+K table with square leg tube without brake Required for installation: H-20-22-16 Insert, 1.25, black plastic
H-20-6 3.5" Swivel caster without brake and Flat Mounting Plate Use: H+K rapid toaster tables, prep tables & freezers
H-20-7 3.5" Swivel caster with brake and flat mounting plate Use: H+K rapid toaster tables, prep tables & freezers MF03, MF04
H-20-7-1 3.5" Caster without brake Use: Egg cooker table 85125
H-20-7-2 3.5" Caster
H-20-8 3.5" Rigid caster without brake Use: Freezers MF03, MF04
H-20-37N 4" Caster with brake Use: UHC tables toaster 80224
without brake Use: For H+K tables, freezers and prep tables
H-20-36N 4" Caster without brake Use: UHC Tables toaster 80224
H-20-30 4" Caster without brake Use: Undercounter carts 66394, 66395, 66396
H-20-1 5" Swivel caster without brake Use: H+K 63602 -
H-20-2 5" Swivel caster with brake Use: H+K 63602 - double wide Q'ing oven tables w/ brake/plate and H+K 87050 - 2 drawer refrigerator
double wide Q'ing oven tables without brake/ plate and H+K 87050 - 2 drawer refrigerator
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