H+K ANZ - Warranty Guidelines

Nuova Simonelli

Additional Information Labour and travel cover under warranty is dependent upon purchase date of the unit. H+K issued warranty numbers must be used on all corresponding service reports. McDONALD’S WARRANTY TERMS whereas

1) Nuova Simonelli, on the base of the agreement named Business Relationship Agreement (hereinafter “BRA”) signed with McD APMEA (hereinafter “McD”), is considered the Approved Supplier (as defined per the section 2.c of BRA) and it shall supply McD with the Approved Products (as defined per the section 2.b. of BRA); 2) McD shall appoint H+K as its approved independent distribution centre (so called the “Purchaser” as defined per the section 6.a of BRA), exclusively for the Australia and New Zealand; 3) the relationship between the three Parties shall be as following: (i) McD shall command H+K to purchase the Products; (ii) H+K shall purchase those Products from Nuova Simonelli; (iii)H+K re-sell the Products to McD; (iv)H+K shall provide McD with the McD’s personnel training on the Products and the relevant post -sale services, included but not limited the Products’ warranty; 4) however, on the base of the BRA and the McD’s Supplier’s Expectations Nuova Simonelli is expected to answer to McD for the legal supplier’s duties as well as for the training and the post - sale service, included the Products’ warranty, even if Nuova Simonelli sell the Product to H+K; 5) to the purpose to avoid that Nuova Simonelli answers to McD for the services supplied by H+K to McD, Nuova Simonelli and H+K signed a separate agreement setting that Nuova Simonelli grants to McD only the warranty on the Products’ parts as set below and H+K shall answer to McD for all obligations set in preamble n.4 above; As above provided, NUOVA SIMONELLI S.P.A. warrants the espresso equipment manufactured to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service for a period of twenty four (24) months from original invoice date. The obligation of NUOVA SIMONELLI S.P.A. under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of parts, components, or assemblies that, in the opinion of NUOVA SIMONELLI S.P.A., are defective. This warranty is limited to the cost of parts, components or assemblies and does not cover cost of labour necessary to carry out repair or replacement. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO DEFECTS IN MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Agents, dealers or employees of Nuova Simonelli S.P.A are not authorized to make modifications to this warranty or to make additional warranties that are binding on Nuova Simonelli S.P.A. Accordingly, statements by such individuals, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties and should not be relied upon. In no event shall Nuova Simonelli S.P.A be liable for any other damage or loss, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost sales, loss of use of equipment, claims of H+K's customers, cost of capital, cost of down time, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, or any other special, incidental or consequential damages. Upon the expiration of the warranty period, Nuova Simonelli S.P.A' s liability under this warranty shall terminate. This warranty shall constitute the sole liability of Nuova Simonelli S.P.A and the exclusive remedy of H+K or user. MONITORING OF WATER RECIPE TO KEEP IT WITHIN REQUIRED LEVELS AND MAINTENANCE OF FILTRATION SYSTEM IS THE USER'S RESPONSIBILITY. FAILING TO MEET AND MAINTAIN WATER AT THE FOLLOWING LEVELS WILL VOID THE ENTIRE WARRANTY: • Total hardness 50-100 ppm (parts per million) • Water line pressure between 2 – 6bar and water to be cold • Min flow rate: 200 L/hr • Filtration level below 1.0 micron • TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) level between 50 – 250 ppm • Alkalinity level between 10 – 150 ppm • Chlorine level less than 0.50 mg/l • pH level between 6.5 and 8.5

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Version 15.9 Issued 13 th June 2024

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