H+K ANZ - Warranty Guidelines


OEM requires return of all parts for claim under warranty


AccuBANKER D450 Bleached Bills Auto Detector AccuBANKER D470 Automatic QuadScan Counterfeit Bill Detector

Length of Warranty Period: D450 / D470 – 3 Years parts only

What AccuBANKER Will Cover Parts Only No Labour or Travel

Warranty Exclusions Refer to “General Exclusions” at the beginning of this document.

Installation Information The Equipment needs to be placed in a clean, dust free environment. Avoid direct exposure to magnetic interference which will affect how the sensors operate (microwave, mobile phone or wifi devices)

Additional Information Videos of the fault must be emailed to warrantyanz@hki.com for review.

Recommended Weekly Maintenance The use of an air duster can assist in removing the dust deposited into the unit interior. Using the dusters thin tube nozzle to blow air through the feeding tray slot to remove the dust inside. Make sure do not insert the duster nozzle into the device to avoid touching any of the detector’s components. Repeat several times for better results. Recommended Weekly Maintenance it is highly recommended to use AccBANKER cleaning cards (ACC3-DETCLEANINGK CLEANING CARD KIT-DETCKEABINGK) to keep the magnetic heads and conveyor system free of dirtiness, debris and oils. This is a store task.

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Version 15.9 Issued 13 th June 2024

Once Printed or saved, this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the current version, refer to Warranty Guidelines online here

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