H+K ANZ - Warranty Guidelines

A J Antunes & Co

OEM does not require return of parts for claim under warranty unless specifically requested. The service provider is required to retain all parts for a period of 3 months

Equipment Rapid Toaster Muffin Toaster Manual Egg Cooker/Steamer VCT-250 and HEBT-3V and HEBT-5V Vertical Toasters Fry Holding Timer

Length of Warranty Period 2 years parts and labour 90 days replacement parts only – no labour Fry Timer – 1 year (as these cannot be repaired this is for replacement only)

What A.J. Antunes & Co Will Cover Labour: Maximum 2 hours unless authorised by H+K Service Manager at a maximum of $85.00 per hour Travel: 1 call out/service fee (80km ’ s) + maximum of 2 hours (1 hour each way up to 160km’s )

Note: any fair & reasonable charges invoiced to H+K that are not covered by the OEM as indicated in this document will be invoiced direct to the store by H+K

Warranty Exclusions : Refer to “General Exclusions” at the beginning of this document Water pressure problems for contamination problems such as foreign material in water lines or inside Travel charges over 2 hours Consequential damages such as loss of profit, loss of time, the cost of repairing or replacing other property which is damaged, or any other incidental damage of any kind. Items such as Grill covers (Release Sheets), gaskets, Conveyor Belt wraps, O-rings, Batteries and light bulbs are considered consumables and not covered under warranty.

Labour Schedule Maximum of 2 hours labour per claim unless authorised by H+K Service Manager

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Version 15.9 Issued 13 th June 2024

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