McDonald's ANZ - Warranty Guidelines
EMAIL - The service agent will receive an email from e-Tech with the below information. This includes the installation date, if under warranty & the warranty holder. If stated as H+K International this document applies. EXAMPLE Email Subject: A McDonalds Service Request HK-AXXXX-XXXXXX has been allocated to you.
A new service request has been created. Details as follows:
Service Agent: SERVICE PROVIDER NAME Ticket Number: HK-AXXX-XXXXXX Store: SMITHVILLE Address: SMITH ST, NSW, 2211 Phone number: 987654321
Affected Machine: EQUIPMENT Serial Number: 123456789ABC
Machine Etech Description: EQUIPMENT Machine Part Number: IMI8-EQUIPMENT Machine Station Name: Beverage Cell Machine Category Name: Beverage Machine Installation Date:19/08/2022
Created By: user.1234 Problem Description: Cannot serve product / Safety Issue , Equipment not working
Under Warranty: Yes Warranty Holder: H&K International Parts only Warranty: No
Identifying A H+K Warranty Job
Store has requested service during regular hours
This service request was created 20/03/20XX 10:32. If you wish to respond to this service request, you must do so immediately.
Follow the link below to view more details and / or respond to this service request.
1.2 e-Tech MANAGEMENT CONSOLE (Service agents & store approvers)
On the service request on the e- Tech management consile, a ‘warranty claim’ number will generate when the service agent accepts the e-Tech request. This is an indication of equipment under warranty where the warranty holder is H+K.
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Version 1.1 Issued 08 November 2024
Once Printed or saved, this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the current version, refer to Warranty Guidelines online here
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