H+K ANZ - Warranty Guidelines

Warranty Guidelines


Attending Site • Service Agents are required to send a trained technician who has been authorised through Rapid Induct to complete the job • Technicians van is stocked with appropriate parts to allow for first time fix - see recommended van stock in this document for each OEM (where applicable) • In the event that part/s are required to complete the repair & the technician does not have them in his van H+K Warranty must be contacted the same day via email Warranty ANZ warrantyanz@hki.com • The email must clearly be marked as stock required for warranty job and include the following: o Warranty number o Part number o Part description o Details on where parts are to be delivered • Upon attendance the model & serial number must be verified by the technician & match the warranty request – if there is a discrepancy the technician is to advise H+K immediately • Adherence to OEM repair time frames as outlined in this document . If the technician attends and doesn’t think they will diagnose & complete the repair within the time frame allowed they can contact the H+K Service Manager for assistance. • Photos and/or videos of faults and corresponding parts are to be taken to support the claim • Tagging of faulty parts for return – tag must have the warranty no. and part no. as a minimum


Invoicing & Information Required for Payments

H+K will pay Service Agents invoices within terms, even if the work is not warrantable, providing the work & hours charged are fair & reasonable and within the repair times as stated by the OEM. If repair times exceed those stated by the OEM in this document the Service Agents invoice will not be paid until after the OEM has reviewed/approved the claim.

Service Agents should NOT invoice H+K until the work has been completed ie: the equipment has been repaired

Invoices are to be emailed to Australia Australian.Finance@hki.com OR New Zealand NewZealand.Accounts@hki.com

The following is required by the Service Agent when invoicing H+K:

• Invoice is received within 30 days of the completion of the job • The following details must be supplied on either the invoice and/or service report: o Warranty number o Date work completed o Restaurant Site Number and Restaurant Name o Equipment Model & Serial Number o Accredited Technician Name o Itemised time spent on job including travel charges

o Detailed description of fault and work carried out so the OEM understands what has occurred o Cup Count (coffee Only) o Cone Count (shake/sundae) • Parts used listed on invoice are listed at no charge – you must list the part no. and description • Photos and/or videos of faults and corresponding parts are to be taken to support the claim (these will be sent to the OEM after review by the Service Manager)

Failure to provide the information above will delay payment

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Version 15.9 Issued 13 th June 2024

Once Printed or saved, this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the current version, refer to Warranty Guidelines online here

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