McDonald's ANZ - Warranty Guidelines
Invoice # your invoice number Invoice Date this represents the date you sent your invoice to H+K
Joe Smith Technical 20 Smith St Smithfield, VIC, 3327 Ph: (09) 5552975 Email:
Warranty Claim No. HK-EWR-0000 on e-Tech request McDonalds QUEEN STREET – Restaurant Number 123 restaurant name & number
3 Barrel Viper – Serial Number: 62A1146VP070 the machine worked on and the serial no. If the unit has a cup count (coffee) or cone count (Carpigiani) this must be noted on the invoice
Attended add date you attended site as unit was add detail on what machine was doing/not doing I observed add detail on what you saw while on site – video can also be taken & sent to show machine in operation and the reported fault occurring I did add detail on what the technician did to repair the unit and make it operational (e.g. referred to technical bulletin etc.)
If these details are on your company’s service report you can attach the service report to your invoice however we must have all of these details
If the technician had to clean a part to reinsert into the unit to make it operational or clear a blockage, please provide detail on what had to be cleaned off the part i.e.: dirt particles, syrup etc. and provide a photo to further support the claim
The technician would normally describe how the unit was operating when you left the site – technician can (if they wish) also provide video evidence of this.
Call out/service fee this covers 80km’s travel
$ 90.00 $180.00
Labour 2hrs @ $90.00 per hour
Excess travel Any additional travel over 80kms should be charged as one line item on your invoice
1 x IMI6-5556631 VALVE parts used must be listed at nil $value with part no $0.00
Pre GST-Total
$270.00 $27.00 $297.00
Total Invoice Inc GST
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Version 1.2 Issued 23 December 2024
Once Printed or saved, this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the current version, refer to Warranty Guidelines online here
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